Working together to develop the industry

We are the Mexican Shrimp Council. We are the biggest group of importers, producers and processors managed and supported by the National Fisheries Institute. We work together to develop and maintain a sustainable, legal and successful shrimp production industry.

Ensure sustainability

In cooperation with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Mexican fishers, Mexican Shrimp Council (MxSC) producers are here to promote long-term sustainability and socioeconomic balance in the Mexican Pacific and Gulf of California. The wild and farmed shrimp industries are both highly regulated, meet U.S. and international standards and are managed for the long term.


All shrimp is harvested or farmed in accordance with all U.S. and Mexican environmental regulations

Any farmed shrimp operations that use antibiotics limit their use to compounds approved in the United States or other markets. All shrimp is harvested without interfering with vaquitas (the world’s most endangered marine mammal) or other endangered species. All shrimp are harvested with limited interaction with marine mammals. Any interactions with marine mammals are in accordance with all U.S. and Mexican regulations. All wild-caught or farmed shrimp is traceable down to the boat and location of harvest. For smaller, artisanal fisheries, traceability is set to a defined group of boats.
